24: Scenery Database

Scenery Database

(image above is using TileProxy)

...Over CYYZ: Toronto - as you can see, the level of detail is 2nd to none.  Makes a very easy and sensible choice when deciding to use TileProxy as the scenery database for up to date graphical representations of the world)

I believe that in-order to fly globally on your simulator and have the best possible chance of seeing out of your window what represents a 'true world' would be to use freeware software called Tile proxy.

Tile proxy has been around for a number of years, although it represents a very close "Google Earth" comparison, the options include MSN and Yahoo maps, when deciding the database to take your visuals from.  The only difference I see in the two is the lighting at which the photography was taken.  In some parts of the world, the images that we see as 'mesh' can be darker in parts.  When deciding, I looked at the typical areas I would fly 'shuttle flights' or even medium haul routes, to include: Europe / North America which gave me a simple deciding factor in using Yahoo as my maps choice.

Link: http://www.edtruthan.com/tileproxy/tutorial/

 The scenery runs a DOS window (see below) where once connected, runs behind the scenes and can be minimized for simplicity.  It creates NEW scenery library folders for 0101, 0202 etc....which modulates a list of new folders to be used as its database scenery files.  It can be turned off/on at anytime, and does NOT overwrite any of your existing files, which was important to me as I am sure, you when deciding if this program should be used on FSX.  One good note I made, was that once you've flown in that area or region of the world, the BGL files are saved in the respective folders and are not required for download ever again, thus giving a quicker load time when 'injecting textures' in to FSX as you fly over your favorite regions.

here's a couple of example pictures of the scenery at work:

Settings used in the above images:

Texture Set:
These screenshots were taken using Service Example 1's online textures. They are by far the best set available for the Florida Keys and offer a high resolution, naturally colored, perfectly blended set of textures that stretch unbroken from Key Largo to Key West , a distance of approximately 100 nautical miles.
ProxyUser.ini Settings: The "level_mapping" settings were especially important in getting the lowest "good color level" to extend outward to a reasonable viewing distance. Though I had to pause occasionally for texture "catch-ups" this is due mostly to the reduced TPS I experience with my older single core machine. Faster dual core rigs may not have an issue with these settings.
Also, though a default "blend_distance=500.0" was used, an examination of the Florida Keys from the chosen online map service indicates that a much more realistic and farther offshore "green water" distance could be achieved by extending this value a bit so that the shallows between the keys retained the excellent look of the reefs and shoals that surround the many Florida Keys. In fact most of the many keys and islets in this entire chain are connected by this aqua-green water. I haven't experimented with changing this setting yet.
source=Service Example 1
[Service Example 1]
FSX Settings:
Visibilty set at 30 miles.

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